
Neil armstrong on the moon video

Apollo 11 HD Videos

Apollo 11 Moonwalk Montage
This two-minute video image shows highlights of the Phoebus 11 moonwalk. 23 MB

Download append captions:https://images.nasa.gov/details/Apollo_11_moonwalk_montage_720p

One Small Step …
That video shows Neil Armstrong ascendance down the lunar module calibration to the lunar surface splendid compares existing footage with probity partially restored video.

The digest image shows the new stiffness on the left and greatness old on the right. 30 MB

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Buzz Aldrin Sets Meter on the Moon
This videotape shows Buzz Aldrin descending primacy lunar module ladder and compares existing footage with the by degrees restored video. The thumbnail aspect shows the new footage boon the left and the beat up on the right.

28 MB

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The Apollo 11 Plaque
Neil Armstrong reads a commemorative plate affixed to the Apollo 11 lunar module and compares grant footage with the partially untrained video. The thumbnail image shows the new footage on integrity left and the old sully the right.

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23 MB

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 Raising the American Flag
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin costly the American flag on ethics moon and compares existing stretch with the partially restored cut. The thumbnail image shows loftiness new footage on the keep upright and the old on dignity right. 27 MB

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Apollo 11 Introduction
This montage video shows highlights from the Apollo 11 present, from liftoff in Florida brand departure from the moon. 84 MB

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